Mom’s Knitting…

Killian here…

Mom is busy paying bills and knitting

She is just a few rows from finishing a pair of socks…she plans to show them off tomorrow…so don’t tell her I told you about them.

My balcony…

It’s that time of the year…Spring/Summer – when I fix up my balcony.

The winter gets the deck kind of yucky what with the snow that lands and then melts…

The empty corner with a sweet kitty checking out the deck…


The transformation:



Ready for dinners and reading out on my balcony.

weigh in…

Ended up running out to buy a scale tonight.  Have to weigh myself everyday…and the scale in the arts and crafts room doesn’t do a good job.

I used to weigh between 135 and 140…now I am down to 123.  Not good…my doctor wants me back around the 135 mark.

And,the other reason I have to weigh in every day is cause the heart doctor said I had to…so I am doing as ordered.


The storm just ended…and it was quite the deal…

Lost power for about three hours.  When that happens our apartments are very dark…so, I joined my friend, Marilyn, down in the alcove near her apartment…the generator keeps the lights on there…so we sat and knit on the afghan we are each making.

No cable…so am off to read.



Seriously…it is June already.

Last month just flew by…and I have to admit … it was a hard month.

The first Mother’s day without my mom…and then the 29th would have been her 97th birthday…

But, each day I am growing stronger…Not missing her any less…but learning to cope better.

And, today I actually caught myself singing while doing some stuff around my home.