Ten On Tuesday…

Again,  Carole came up with an interesting topic…

Ten Things in My Freezer

1)  Butter Pecan Ice Cream (my favorite!)

2)  Pork chops

3)  Cranberries

4)  Calves Liver

5)  Blueberries and strawberries that I picked

6)  Bagelfuls

7)  Butter

8) Ham slice

9) Hamburger

10) Frozen veggies


The Move…

I am beginning to think that no move is easy…and while I was totally prepared and ready to make a move – it is still stressful!

But, I am loving living in my new building – actually it is more like a little neighborhood.  We have eighty apartments here. 

Have been clearly taking my time with the unpacking – it is a lot to figure out and I don’t want to be re-doing things.  I only want to do it once!  So am thinking through where I want my furniture and things.

The other part that I am enjoying since moving here has been the daily lunches – it means I get a well-balance meal and not have to worry about cooking while in the midst of unpacking.  The building here makes the meals for Meals on Wheels – and offers a congregate lunch meal for seniors and their friends for a donation of $2.00. 

And, in the evenings I spend an hour or two downstairs in the lobby area with some knitters.  It has given me the opportunity to relax a bit before going to bed.

Now it is time to go unpack some more…


Ten on Tuesday…

I’m Back!!!!

Well, let’s make it official – with a Ten on Tuesday post! 

10 Ways to Have Fun on Long Car Rides

1)  Sing 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall!

2)  Stop along the way to see the sights!

3)  Take your knitting!

4)  Keep track of all the different license plates you see!

5)  Listen to audio books!

6)  Listen to your favorite music!

8)  Stop and eat at restaurants that you don’t have back home!

9)  Visit the “Welcome stations” for each state you go through!

10)  Enjoy the view!