Friday Fill-ins…07/06/12

1. I am happy that I am going to get to go to Maine over Labor Day Week!

2. Strawberries and asparagus are my favorite summertime fruits and vegetables.

3. To help me keep track of my walking I finally got a pedometer.

4. Go to Fiber College in Maine is the one thing I want to do this summer more than anything!

5. Just the other day I was saying I need to clean out my closet and get rid of all my high heel shoes.

6. Rehab seems to be the same exercises over and over again.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to knitting a bit, tomorrow my plans include going to see mother if the weather is okay and Sunday, I want to chill out and knit and read.

Friday Fill-ins…May 4, 2012


Aside to Janet:  Oh, I love, love that purple car…and where did you see that???

1. After a while, I seem to forget that I was upset with something or someone…maybe that’s the best way to be.

2.  I am starting to be much more organized at least.

3. Well, anyway, I think I’ve been doing rather well with my diet and eating better.

4. Reading and listening to music at night is very relaxing to me.

5. I always find my way to a Dunkin Donuts – that way I get my lattes!

6. My sense of self keeps me going.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to knitting – need to finish up some items that are going into the swag bag for each person on my Canada trip, tomorrow my plans include doing laundry and finishing up the books for the residents association and Sunday, I want to set up my balcony…the weather has not cooperated the last few weeks and I want to be able to sit outside and read!

Friday Fill-ins…04/27/12…

1. Ah, me…I’m getting a little tired of local robberies and people shooting each other.

2. An upcoming trip to Canada is what’s on my mind most lately.

3. When I talk to my best friend, we seem to pick up the conversation right where we last left off – you would never know there was any time passage from when we last talked or saw each other.

4. Eating better meals is what’s working for me lately.

5. I recently saw The Hunger Games and I really liked it.  I didn’t think I would – but, it followed the book very well.

6. Talking with my daughter, Tara, fills me with joy!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to to attending the auction at the local quilt shop, tomorrow my plans include going to Proctorsville for the Vermont Wild & Wooly Week-end and Sunday, I want to set up my balcony – which involves cleaning off my chaise lounge and putting the cushion on it…hope the weather cooperates.

Friday Fill-ins…04/20/12…

1. Vegetables are best roasted with garlic and olive oil.

2. Clear mason jars; Filled with lush homemade goodies.

3. How wonderful it is to just enjoy life and the pursuit of my many hobbies.

4. Lone Wolf by Jodi Picoult is a book I’d love to recommend.

5. Using leftovers: I like steak Caesar Salad.

6. Living in New Hampshire makes me incredibly happy!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to getting some things done around the house, tomorrow my plans include visiting The Yarn Garden and a new quilt shop and Sunday, I want to just chill out and see what the rain brings!

Friday Fill-Ins…04/12/12

1. Speed bumps here in New Hampshire are called frost heaves and play havoc with my car.

2. Spring is what I’ve been looking forward to!

3. One of the things I like most about traveling is taking all the back roads.

4. Lattes makes me think about hot Cuban coffee and Cuban bread slathered with butter.

5. A road trip to Madame Sherrie’s is in order soon.  I want to take some fun photos of some of my shawls there.  Hey, Janet, I need a photographer!!!!

6. Left-over Pepper Steak from the local Chinese Restaurant is what I had for dinner last night.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to helping my daughter with some classwork, tomorrow my plans include walking up to the local Masonic Lodge for a breakfast buffet and then hitting a huge yard sale in Cornish ending the morning with a birthday party for my 95-year-old upstairs neighbor,  and Sunday, I want to chill out and continue to work on my apartment and on some knitting!

Friday Fill-Ins – 04/06/12…

1. Eggs are one of my favorite foods – especially fried!

2. Lone Wolf by Jody Picoult is awesome!

3. When I look in the mirror, I really like how my haircut turned out and that I had some low lights put in.

4. Steak, baked potato, and caesar’s salad – these are the things I like for a special dinner!

5. Currently, I am craving a latte.

6. The Hunger Games – isn’t that what everyone is talking about these days?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to finishing reading Catch Me, tomorrow my plans include cleaning house and doing laundry and Sunday, I want to to enjoy dinner with Nancy and Jimmy, some friends of mine who live in the building!

Friday Fill-ins…03/02/12

1. When I heard that Davy Jones passed away – it was a bit sad.

2. Cold weather makes me want a large latte with 3 sugars and whole milk!  Love my Dunkin’ Donuts!

3. Get a life!

4. The coast of Maine (actually anywhere in Maine) is where I love to be.  Somehow Maine has grabbed a bit of my heart!

5. Hands On – especially when it comes to my knitting!

6. I try very hard not to put anybody down.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxing and watching the movie “Nights in Rodanthe”,  tomorrow my plans include going to the roast beef supper in Hartland 4-Corners, and Sunday, I want to knit and maybe work on a couple of quilts!

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